MEET THE TEAM: German lawyer Kerstin Frank officially joins the Legal Team of Valenti Consulting
FRANKFURT AM MAIN (GERMANY) - MILAN (ITALY) German lawyer Kerstin Frank officially joins the Legal team at Valenti Legal & Business Consulting.
Kerstin runs her law firm in B2B legal & consulting services in Frankfurt am Main (Frank Anwalt | Aus einer Hand. Aus der Praxis. Aus Erfahrung). Before she decided to become self-employed from 2018 onwards she was employed for 20 years as an In-house lawyer in the manufacturing industry with technology leaders as well as in the automotive industry acting worldwide and headed a central Legal and Compliance function of a stock listed company.
The long-standing professional collaboration, consolidated by a relationship of trust and friendship between Daniela Valenti (Founder) and Kerstin Frank is now formalized with the German professional joining the Network, thereby ensuring that Valenti Consulting's corporate clients worldwide operating with Germany benefit from a high level comprehensive legal assistance.